Thursday, November 30, 2006

Beautiful Sarah Jessica Parker is older than Yaye


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tallu, what a great choice -- my favorite TV Square Peg! Through the years, I've felt a mostly unwarranted, but rather persistent kinship with SJP.

It all began when I appeared in the closing credits of "Square Pegs", as it was filmed at Van Nuys High while I was a student.

Then within a month of moving from L.A. to New York, she was featured in her break out role in "L.A. Story", a movie that was near and dear to my transplanted heart.

She married sweet, cute Matthew Broderick, who I happened to run into a few times at the Blockbuster video store on 6th Avenue when we both lived in the Village.

When, after the collapse of a five-year live-in relationship in 1999, I was in the throes of my post-breakup makeover frenzy and cut my hair short into that just above-the-shoulder, long scruffy bangs parted in the middle, trendy curly 'do that was clearly a desperate effort to reclaim a more youthful identity, I saw the pilot episode of "Sex and the City" and SJP had my exact same hair (color, texture, thickness, cut)! I felt so au courant!

As I didn't have HBO for the first few seasons of "Sex and the City" I had to catch up with the series later via DVD. I completely identified with Carrie Bradshaw. No, I've never worn Manolo Blahnick's, dated a millionaire, or had my own apartment in Manhattan, but I did enjoy a fun, active social life in New York in my 20's, and I was able to relive certain aspects of it through the show. It also provided me with a circle of girlfriends to hang out with when I was feeling particularly isolated after a few lonely years in CT.

We may be physical opposites, but SJP and I have twin hair and are neither exactly classic beauties. So I do still identify with her as a fellow Square Peg, and I admire the way she makes the most of what she's got.

I heart SJP! And G'bless her for being older than me!!

12:57 AM  

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