Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tallulah and Jet

Here we are 25 years later. We went to one of my favorite pubs in the San Fernando Valley: the Robin Hood on Burbank Blvd and Woodman Ave. However I must also mention in the same breath the Ireland 32, on Burbank just west of Woodman... which is where I went before my wedding reception and got a shot or two of Jameisons Whiskey. Dressed in full matrimonial garb, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon many moons ago, the Irish pub took one look at us and said: "Come on in, you're gonna need this". I love pubs. One day, Yaye and I are going to Ireland to pub hop and see Van Morrison live by god. Before I die or before Van Morrison dies, I need to see him play in his native land...with my parco.

But I digress, so Jet shows up and we go to the Robin Hood Pub, I also give him boxes of goodies that weren't sold at the garage sale. I find this very comforting. I've known Jet since the tender age of 14, we are exactly 10 years apart. I think I may have lied about my age to him back then, cause when I mentioned this at the pub tonight, he almost spit out his beer. But Jet is a stand up guy, and he showed his support and understood the overwhelming wackiness of this whole ordeal. He's a member of holy unblooded family. But back in the crazy teenaged years and all the times I ran away or was outcast by my mother, Jet was there to pick up my pieces. I remember getting in a fight with my mother three days before my wedding, I wanted Jet to walk me down the aisle to give me away...but other ideas in my mother's head came into play. I mentioned this to Jet tonight. I think it was the first time I ever mentioned it. Jet played such an integral part of my growing up that I can't imagine him not being around as I get old. He possesses such a kind heart even though he may be listening to right wing talk radio talking points. I think I may have disuaded his views of bit tonight.

Parco and Father Roma Tomatah, I thought of you both as Jet and i were clinking glasses at the pub. The two of you should have been there. Then Roma Tomatah could have fallen in the crack of the sofa bed and Yaye could have jumped through the opening of the kitchen... Bless yeez.


Sistah Tallulah Overwhelmedah


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I raise my glass of Two Buck Chuck in a virtual *clink* with y'all!

Jet is featured on the first 20 seconds of that Bebop video, did you notice? And there is an "interesting" song playing in the background.... I must needs finds a vhs-dvd conversion house near the lagoon here.... :P

8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did not notice Jet but did hear the song and CRINGED. I think it will be pretty easy to find the conversioner, kind of like a commisioner only not really.

Cheers, bottoms up.

9:22 PM  

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